Thursday, December 27, 2007

"Nausea" Week 13 on Asthmatic Kitty

I have been slacking so bad on this project...eek! I feel so behind and like I am trying to catch up every time our deadline comes around. Maybe my new years resolution should be to stop procrastinating. Anyway, I wanted to come up with a photo that did not have the usual elements one would think of when thinking of the word, Nausea. After brainstorming, (and procrastinating), I came up with an idea and then walked around my house and found all of these objects. The little plastic men in the photo are parachute dudes. I think it is a little difficult to tell what they are in the photo, but I put them in cause I thought if I were a parachute dude I would probably have a lot of nausea. Although, I would not exactly know since I have never parachuted...maybe going parachuting should be my new years goal. I dunno.


Also, go check out Rafter's song and my corresponding photo on the Asthmatic Kitty Records site!

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