Wednesday, July 22, 2009

MAC commercial

Here is the link to the video with my song!!!! HURRAH!
I am working diligently now to finally get my band up and running...even creating a Myspace page as we speak:) It is funny how that inducts you as a "real band" now. I want to put the whole and finished version of this song + some awesome covers we did at my Heart 2 Heart photo show. The name of the band is Smile Now Cry Later and it is myself and my sweet hubby. Will post when I have more;)

Getting back on track

hellllllllllo dudes and dudettes, i have been missing in action on my blog....not good. ah well, my to do list is never ending over here, but excited to get back on track now that i have some free time. I have been working on photos for my upcoming show with Commune Wednesday's. I am very excited to take part in this event that occurs monthly in different venues around San Diego, CA. It is a group show of art, crafts and music all supported by the good folks at Commune Wednesdays. I am designing a limited edition flier and shirt for the event (which I am super duper excited about!) and I will be making a new series for the event. The show is August 26th at 9pm!

Also, I just wrote a music track for an upcoming MAC cosmetics web ad that will be airing very soon!!! How exciting!! You can hear me singy sing sing! Will post as soon as I see it up!


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