Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Been so long

I have been quite the busy bee. So, I have neglected my blog:(
I was in Tokyo am practicing in my first solo band and recording an album! Aiii so much! Today I saw this while driving and had to stop. How cute is this!
I will be updating very soon!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Well, not really, but I took part in some fire saftey demonstrating with some real live firefighters and their engine.
Don't forget to stop drop and roll!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tiger Walk

Walking the dog this morning and I saw this tiger walk sign. It made me happy. Happy Sunday!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Long time no post. Had a show which us still up at U-31 in north park san diego until oct 31. I'm also going on an awesome international trip very soon and can't wait to see what kind of photos turn out from this trip. Meanwhile, here is a photo for the day.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Group art show opening this Saturday!

I have a few pieces from my one a day series and a couple of new ones in this group art show opening this saturday. I tried to make a small series that would reflect this months spooky fun that is halloween. Come by and check em out and say hi!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Swap meeting

Love the swap meet. Whenever I am in need for inspiration I hit the swap meet and it seriously never disappoints. This is the last week for my cut n paste show at the soda bar and then I will be posting the photos.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lion Cut will cut you!

I photographed the band, Lion Cut for their new promo photos a couple of days ago and I was super excited to help them immortalize their cat vision on digital film! This band is rad and they play awesome songs all about cats and they dress like cats and they have cats. So, it is safe to say, they love cats. check out their tunes on the LION CUT MYSPACE !



Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Street scene

San Diego street scene happened recently and after all my years in this town it is my very first one. I was lucky enough to see a pretty rad band that let me in on the guest list. Street scene is an out door music fest on the streets of sd.

Google goggle

My little friend

The manual

The begining of my new hit record.

Stereo disguise

I went out to check out a new recording studio in my town opened up by some friends. I am moving into really persuing my musical ambitions. More about that to come!


I have some friends in a band called Lion Cut. They played last night and totally jammed out the place. Home made costumes are always a plus!
I will be updating soon with a photoshoot for their new promo.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Movie night

I had the brilliant idea to get a projection screen and put it on my deck to watch some really bad action movies. This is the screen saver and full moon right before the action began.


Magical 99 cent fun

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wrap Up

The Show was a success!!! Hurrah!! If you were unable to make it to the opening, never fear, you can still go and check out my new series at the Soda Bar in San Diego. It will be up for a month!!
The ladies over at Commune Wednesdays are totally awesome and put on a great event. It was such a pleasure to take part of something that is spreading the word about something as important as the impact of Big Tobacco.
I got to meet some new people and hang out with some old friends. I want to give the biggest thanks out to my sweet man for helping me figure out all the kinks and set up the show.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Show opening

TONIGHT!!!! My Show is tonight!!! I have to go set this show up right now. Come by and say hello and have a drink with me:)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Doggie parkin'

I have a dog and his name is t.rex. Like the band. I have been coming to this dog park for some time and have always enjoyed the calming view

Which way is up


So, getting photos printed is difficult if you are trying to keep on a budget and also looking for quality. It has been interesting to say the least

Cardboard secret mission

Sometimes late at night I go on sneaky missions to find free discarded awesome stuff I can use in my photo shoots, or in this case, for my photo show display. I had my little friend ru with me and he while scoping out the scene he found some "snakes". Here he is wrestling with the creatures

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hidden treasures


Sometimes you score and fond some hidden beauty in an ally next to the dumpsters.

Daily inspiration


I am waiting in line thought I would upload a photo instead of just wait

Never go shopping for food when you are hungry!


Trust me! The only things I ever want to buy are mostly made up of sugar

Shopping for dinner

Ok so super duper excited about having the ability to write more entrys and upload photos with ease from anywhere! I am happy to start this new chapter of actually updating regularly.

Also, don't forget to come Check out my new series at commune weds at soda bar!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Beautiful Sunny SD days


This is what I get to see daily when I get into the rafter mobile. I
take it for granted and I thought it would be nice to take a second
and realize how good I have it.

Daily Inspiration


Just got my hands on an iPhone and am really excited to start updating
photos on a much more regular basis! Thank goodness for technology!


Commune Wednesday Show this Wednesday!

Come out to check out my new photo series at the Soda Bar in San Diego this wednesday at 9:30pm! It is totally free and their will be free limited edition posters too!! hurrah!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Commune Wednesday August 26, 2009

Hello hello! I have an upcoming photo show at Soda Bar in San Diego on August 26th with the Commune Wednesday peoples. It is a great organization that puts together art/music/crafts shows in order to raise awareness of big tobacco and its affects. I designed the upcoming special edition poster and shirt! I am making a new and small photo series for this event and i am super excited about it...I am off to go thrifting for props:)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

MAC commercial

Here is the link to the video with my song!!!! HURRAH!
I am working diligently now to finally get my band up and running...even creating a Myspace page as we speak:) It is funny how that inducts you as a "real band" now. I want to put the whole and finished version of this song + some awesome covers we did at my Heart 2 Heart photo show. The name of the band is Smile Now Cry Later and it is myself and my sweet hubby. Will post when I have more;)

Getting back on track

hellllllllllo dudes and dudettes, i have been missing in action on my blog....not good. ah well, my to do list is never ending over here, but excited to get back on track now that i have some free time. I have been working on photos for my upcoming show with Commune Wednesday's. I am very excited to take part in this event that occurs monthly in different venues around San Diego, CA. It is a group show of art, crafts and music all supported by the good folks at Commune Wednesdays. I am designing a limited edition flier and shirt for the event (which I am super duper excited about!) and I will be making a new series for the event. The show is August 26th at 9pm!

Also, I just wrote a music track for an upcoming MAC cosmetics web ad that will be airing very soon!!! How exciting!! You can hear me singy sing sing! Will post as soon as I see it up!


Thursday, June 25, 2009


back from my honey moon and ready to start posting tons and tons of photos! aiiiii! Up so early cause of the jet lag. geeze. ok, as soon as I start editing photos from my honeymoon I will post some up! hurrah!!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Just got married!!

I just got married on 6.6.09!!! The amount of happiness that I feel is ridiculous and awesome! Leaving on my honeymoon tomorrow bright and early and can't wait to finally catch up on the engagement art show and the wedding too!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Re-cap of heart 2 heart

Heart 2 Heart was great fun. I sang lead for the first time in many years in a new band which consisted of my fiance and myself. band I have EVER been in. No other band I have ever done anything with compares anywhere near to as much fun and awesomeness that was Smile now, cry later! I am excited to start recording and learning songs and performing. We had only 3 practices (yikes), but were able to pull of 4 covers really well. We did...
1. Head to toe by Lisa Lisa and the Cult jam
2. I wanna sex you up by Color Me badd
3. Genius of Love by Tom Tom Club
4. Biddi Biddi Bom Bom by Selena

Can you tell I have a thing for late 80's and early ninties?!

I am posting the photos from the heart to heart series and if you are interested in purchasing any of these, please write me at I will not be posting these on my site for a longgggg time cause I am lazy. So, I will have them on this post.


©Lizeth Santos 2007-2008. All rights reserved