Friday, November 7, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Shot some photos this weekend for a friend whose daughter turned the big 3.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloweenie!

I know these are not photos that I took, but I thought that it would be fun to post photos of my costume that I made. Rafter and I went all out this year! Hope you all had a happy halloween!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Almost Halloweenie! Gotta go out and get those costumes:)

Saw a side walk yard sale/halloween costume sale today on my way to the doggie beach. I think i found mine:)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pehrspace Show!

Thanks so much to all that came out on Saturday night! Thanks also to Fol Chen and to Rafter for playing awesome sets for the opening! It was fun.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October is the start of Halloween!

I thought I would post something scary and something odd today. I am getting the spirit (even though it is 94 degrees outside or more and super humid). I saw the Mr. Hammer wig and I just had to photograph it. It looks more like Mr. T, but they named is Mr. Hammer??!! They probably thought Mr. T. would sue. ah well.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Jogging Find

I was jogging and saw a garage sale (my favorite) and I came upon this incredible find! I negotiated a price and then jogged home to get some cash. I took a stroller I had at home to go pick it up. It was fun to walk it home. Expect to see this in an upcoming photo for my new series!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Second show for One-A-Day in L.A.!

Hooray! My One-a-day photo series is going to be exhibited in Los Angeles from Oct 11-Nov 5. The opening reception is on October 11 with a performance by my one and only. Come and enjoy some art, tunes and wine!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I took a walk today and got started on my daily photo quest. these are a couple of things i saw.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Guadalajara Traveling

I wanted to do right by me and post up some new photos daily. I recently took a trip to Guadalajara, Mexico and I wanted post some up for my daily photo journal.

These first three amazingly green photos were shot in my family home. It has been about 15 years since I have seen this place and even though I was a child when I first saw it, that green has always stayed in my memory. It felt like home to see it again.

This last photo is of my great grandmother, one of the people responsible for bringing me into this world and the reason for my visit.


Monday, September 8, 2008

New and Updated!

I have a new and updated site!!! Hooray. All of the photos from my One-a-day series are up and also available to purchase!! My new show for the OAD series is going to be Oct 11 in Los Angeles California at Pehr Space!!!!!! Flier to come soon!


Thank you sooo sooooo soooo much to Kyla for all the help!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sweaty Magic Ep!

Hi all,

I have been gone for a while. Things have gotten started for the next phase of the new site and also I have some photos coming out on Rafter Roberts' new Sweaty Magic Ep (which I named!). The cd comes out September 9th and it has awesome jammin' tunes from the One-a-day project we collaborated together on this year. I also shot his new promo photos for the ep! I think that the photo really captured the funky dance style the cd delivers.

I also have a second photo show for my One-a-day series in Los Angeles!!! The show opening is October 11! I will be posting the flier and more details soon!!


Thursday, July 31, 2008

More Shows to come!!! Hurrah!

k, so it has been a long break for me, but i am back and ready to update! so, i had been trying to get a show in los angeles for my One-a-day project and i found (through Rafter) a really awesome space. I am super duper excited and the show will be up in October!! Hurrah!! I am so so excited. I will post more details soon. Also, i have decided to finally update my website! hurrah to that too! My good friends David and Kyla built this site for me when I first decided to get a website. Now that i have newer photos i will be updating it. i am expecting to have it all ready and updated in a couple of weeks! eek. so rad. i have been dreaming of this day...sigh. Last but not least, i have also decided to get started working on my next series. I can't wait to tell everyone what it is, but i won't. i will wait until i have the first photo finished. i will say that i am going to collaborate with Rafter again and it should be super tubular!

1. One-a-day show in Los Angeles in October
2. Updating website soon
3. New series starting soon

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Photo Show!!

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to support and to listen to some awesome tunes by my love, Rafter Roberts. The day started out hectic, but of course I had nothing to fear since I had my trusted friend to help me frame and hang the show. Thanks Jennifer!!! You are totally rad in every way:).

We had a nice shout out in the San Diego City Beat magazine and had a really good turn out. It felt great to see family, friends and new friends come in and support. The tunes from Rafter were awesome and the jams from Erik were super jams.

Thanks so much again!!

If you did not make it out to the opening make sure to make it out to the Whistle Stop to check it out during its run. It will be up until June 23!


©Lizeth Santos 2007-2008. All rights reserved